Author of Stefan's Promise
by Sam Rennick
Published by Hugo House Publishers
ISBN: 978-1948261203
Paperback | 6" x 9" | 562 pages
Available from
Amazon.com & hugohousebookstore.com
It’s 1968. America is in turmoil. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy have been assassinated. Vietnam War protests are becoming more frequent and angry. The Democratic Convention in Chicago promises rioting in the streets.
Amid this strife, Alan Young worries only over why his girlfriend dumped him. He will soon learn he enjoys no immunity from the nation’s troubles. Weeks after graduating from college, he will be drafted.
His best friend, Stefan Kopinski, remains in college another year. Unlike Alan, Stefan knows exactly what he wants: A career in law. What he doesn’t know is the price he will pay for his relentless ambition.
Stefan’s Promise is the story of Alan Young and Stefan Kopinski. Inseparable friends, they become estranged, only to be brought together after decades, when the surprise of a lifetime awaits them both.
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“So Ms. Ingram is the Associate Account Executive. That is the title beneath her name, correct?”
“Whose associate is she?”
“That would have to be your client.”
“Obviously.” Felix Webb smiled expectantly. “But if you don’t have an account executive, you can’t very well have an associate account executive, can you? No. You can’t have an assistant chef without a chef, you can’t have a co-pilot without a pilot, wouldn’t you say, Mr. Galloway?”
“Objection,” Stefan Kopinski said. “I object to this badgering, this is unacceptable, counsel. Do not answer.”
“I object to your objection.”
“Why don’t you do that.”
“Now Mr. Galloway, since Mr. Huxtable no longer is employed at GJC, where he was account executive in the Commercial Underwriting Department, but Cecilia Ingram is employed at GJC, in the same department, that would make Ms. Ingram the account executive, would it not?”
“Not necessarily.”
“Mr. Galloway, are you aware that my client asked Ms. Ingram how things were going, and she told him how things were going, and it became completely obvious to him she had been given his job?”
“Object. Hearsay. Don’t answer.”
[Excerpt from Mike's Story: Chapter 1 - Stefan's Promise]

For any media inquiries, please contact Sam Rennick here.
Sam Rennick began writing Stefan’s Promise forty years ago, but it wasn’t until fairly recently, when he retired, that he was able to take his manuscript from its drawer and finish it. He admits he wishes he could say he planned this all along, since the two books comprising the novel, though written many years apart, combine perfectly into a compelling narrative.
While many authors have influenced him, he singles out Somerset Maugham as his muse, observing that Maugham always starts with a good story, but often finds a way to insert that “something extra” separating merely a nice tale from literature. Sam’s interest in books is exceeded only by his love for baseball, which began when he was nine years old.
Sam is originally from El Paso, Texas, and now calls New Mexico home.